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II Campeonato Sudamericano Femenino de Ajedrez Peru 2024

Last update 03.08.2024 21:23:42, Creator/Last Upload: TheNewFox

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Starting rank

1WIMAliaga Fernandez, Ingrid Y3802191PER2147
2WIMRivera, Ingris4402472COL2144
3WIMJimenez Salas, Maria Teresa3843866PER2058
4WFMPachon Gutierrez, Adriana Paola4400690COL2057
5WIMBravo Mallco, Kate Azumi3836509PER2045
6WIMCaballero Quijano, Mitzy Mishell3807223PER2016
7WIMContreras Huaman, Fiorella3824675PER1999
8WIMGarcia Andrada, Heidy Nicole3831779PER1974
9WIMVasquez Ramirez, Rocio3600750ECU1972
10WIMHilario, Aleyla3819400PER1935
11Yepez Montenegro, Gloria Luz3318001BOL1817
12WCMHuayhuas Robles, Laura Sofia3836517PER1794
13Mollo Figueroa, Nicole3325687BOL1782
14Vizcarra Quispe, Ramalia Bellaluz3840255PER1776
15WCMArenas Lavado, Luciana Andrea3851044PER1735
16Casqui Lopez, Pamela Grace3853829PER1725
17Orihuela Barreda, Alondra3833585PER1714
18Rojas Salas, Rihanna Irina3839850PER1699
19Machacca Mina, Adamaris Luciana3860957PER1678
20Gomez Gonzales, Fabiana3860191PER1675
21Navarro Maldonado, Monica Dayana3909581VEN1657
22Zavaleta Ramirez, Valentina Nicole20049889ARG0