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Congratulations to the Winners of the U1600 section:

1) First Prize won by Ted Ronald (£160) scoring 4.5/5

2) Tie on Second Prize (£70) between David Holmes (£42) & George Calvert (£28) each scoring 4/5

3) Rating prize of £40 won by Rose Burgess scoring 3/5 on a Rating of 1485

1st Cambridge FIDE Congress - U1600 (24-25August'24)

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony28.08.2024 10:28:48, Creator/Last Upload: Psyon Chess

Search for player Szukanie

Lista startowa

1George Tagg483753ENG1587Sussex Juniors
2Greg ThompsonENG1586Sudbury
3George Calvert343401597ENG1584Oundle School
4Arush Ajai Murthy1806513WLS1571Bridgend
5Mikhail Korzun34438220ENG1563Milton Keynes
6Luke Moulton343453805ENG1560Northamptonshire *
7Ann Tagg483745ENG1550Sussex Juniors
8Yugan Suganya343442676ENG1547Peterborough
9Rene Butler486922ENG1541Market Harborough
10Matthew Graeme343442501ENG1534Peterborough
11Brian Walker343448135ENG1514Northamptonshire *
12Pranav Prasobh Nair40109135NED1494
13Marcin Rodzik41873564POL1491Cambridge City
14Rose Burgess343410740ENG1485Sussex Juniors
15Maya Rebeca Tudor343110457ENG1462Kings (Milton Keynes)
16Liam Cadogan368180086IRL1459Ireland
17Henry Brennan343447856ENG1451Lewisham
18John JenningsENG1400Norfolk
19David Holmes499714ENG1375Market Harborough
20Ted Ronald343454658ENG1365Loughborough
21Arsenii Korzun55712002ENG1264Milton Keynes
22Skandha Raj39946959USA1230United States
23Ken Ronald343454925ENG1183Antsey
24Jenny Gartside343447260ENG1162Macclesfield
25Sarah Ewart343448399ENG1002London W *
26Dragos Opinca343453821ENG870