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Congratulations to the Winners of the U1900 section:

1) First Prize won by Frederick F (£200) scoring 4.5/5

2) Three-way tie on Second Prize (£80) resolved to Two-way tie between Thomas T (£48) & Armando G (£32) each scoring 4/5 (as Muiz M was also eligible for the Rating prize which is a higher £ after the split)

3) Rating prize (£50) won by Muiz Meeran scoring 4/5 on a Rating of 1346

1st Cambridge FIDE Congress - U1900 (24-25August'24)

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony28.08.2024 10:23:04, Creator/Last Upload: Psyon Chess

Search for player Szukanie

Lista startowa

1Linhao Sha343442668ENG1876Linton
2Sam GallantENG1844Lowestoft
3Armando Galletti852899ITA1826Lowestoft
4Mae C Catabay484768ENG1823Colchester Junior
5AFMFrederick Fairhurst343425682ENG1757Peterborough
6Thomas Trimble343432077ENG1755Beeston (Yorks)
7Gregory FrayENG1738Grantham
8Andrea Passariello28545265ITA1736Italy
9Stephen C Pride419680ENG1724Cambridge City
10Shayan Zarein Dolab497720ENG1714Kettering
11Amanthika Anbalagan483532ENG1685Grantham
12AFMGeorgi Hristov5901766CYP1683Peterborough
13Amarishika Anbalagan499650ENG1672Grantham
14Larissa Cuthbert472000ENG1639Southbourne
15Chris Flynn343409040ENG1626Lowestoft
16Jerry BowmanENG1601Burry St Edmunds
17Charles J Richmond343454747ENG1561Newmarket
18Siyuan Ou343405657ENG1543Warwickshire Juniors
19Siyao Ou343405649ENG1510Warwickshire Juniors
20Charlie Qin343432409ENG1416Cambridgeshire *
21Oscar Qin343432417ENG1351Cambridgeshire *
22Muiz Ul Meeran Mohamed Nasrudeen Meeran343423744ENG1346Cambridge City