XVI Obert Santa Eulàlia de Ronçana 2024 Grup D

Last update 22.10.2024 22:06:42, Creator/Last Upload: Josep M. Jordan Garcia

Tournament selectionGrup A, Grup B, Grup C, Grup D
LinksOfficial Homepage of the Organizer, Link with tournament calendar
Parameters Show tournament details
ListsStarting rank, Alphabetical list, Statistics, Alphabetical list all groups, Playing schedule
Ranking crosstable after Round 5, Starting rank crosstable
Board PairingsRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5, Rd.6/8 , not paired
Ranking list afterRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5
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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Agadzhanian RozaCAT 13b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00220130
2Artesero Figueras SalvadorCAT 15w0 21b0 10w+ 13w1 18b1 22w332364,50
3Casares JavierCAT 16b0 11w1 14b0 18w0 13b½ -01,51720620
4De las Heras Hermelo DeborahCAT -0 14w0 -0 -1 11b- -01208,5260
5Dvoretskaya Nazarkina GalinaCAT -0 17b0 11w0 -1 7b1,5198,524,50
6Escos Batalla JaumeCAT -0 18w1 16b- 17b1 7w1 16b3721510
7Font Moa Francesc XavierCAT 17w1 15b0 19b1 14w0 6b0 5w21220,563,50
8Garcia Garcia Miguel AngelCAT 18b1 13w1 20w1 12b1 14b1 9w512575,50
9Gonzalez XavierCAT 19w1 20b0 15w1 16b1 12w1 8b4225730
10Hernández Bailén SergioCAT 20b- 19b- 2b- -0 -0 -002112,539,50
11Horta Serarols JordiCAT 21w0 3b0 5b1 22w0 4w+ 20b2141953,50
12Linares Linares SergioCAT 22b1 16w1 21b1 8w0 9b0 15w3621,559,50
13Marquez Cachinero JuanCAT 1w1 8b0 17w0 2b0 3w½ 19w1,51818530
14Martín Ripoll JavierCAT -0 4b1 3w1 7b1 8w0 21b3919,5470
15Miró Llamas LluisCAT 2b1 7w1 9b0 21w½ 12b3422,548,50
16Pont Bragulat AnnaCAT 3w1 12b0 6w+ 9w0 19b1 6w3521,563,50
17Puerto Navarro IvanCAT 7b0 5w1 13b1 6w0 22b0 18w21320570
18Puigdollers XavierCAT 8w0 6b0 -1 3b1 2w0 17b21518,546,50
19Raurell Valls NuriaCAT 9b0 10w+ 7w0 16w0 13b1,51620,5470
20Rius Cambra Josep MariaCAT 10w+ 9w1 8b0 -0 11w2,51113340
21Sanchez García OscarCAT 11b1 2w1 12w0 15b½ 14w3820,5520
22Vila Torras XavierCAT 12w0 -1 -0 11b1 17w1 2b31015420

Tie Break1: Sum Buchholz-Tie Break variable
Tie Break2: Sum Buchholz-Tie Break variable
Tie Break3: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)