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XVI Obert Santa Eulàlia de Ronçana 2024 Grup B Id. 383142

Last update 23.11.2024 21:23:29, Creator/Last Upload: Josep M. Jordan Garcia

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The minimum required number of games: 60%

Board 1
Rk.NameRtgIRtgNTeam%Pts. TB1  TB2 RpGames
1AFMGarcia Garrido, Ferran17391838PLATJA D'ARO, CLUB ESCACS85,76171295,519557
2Arcusa Postils, Eduard16981793MOIA MOIANES C.E.81,36,5168291,519128
3Lambert, Paul17121821MOLLET, CLUB D'ESCACS81,36,5162,5291,518938
4Martin Vineta, Miquel16881834VALL DEL TENES, CLUB ESCACS81,36,5160,528219118
5Carrasco Gomez, Ariadna17121811LLINARS, CLUB D'ESCACS75,04,5131213,518046
6Montilla Rodriguez, Ashton15021598LES FRANQUESES, C.E.75,04,512920518696
7Poble Noguera, Ramon16281704CALDES DE MONTBUI C.E.75,04,511318917736
8Negre Pipla, Josep16991774GRANOLLERS-CANOVELLES71,45152,5241,517707
9Salinas Sellas, Abel18081849TONA-LA CREMA CLUB ESCACS71,45150,523818157
10Serrano Lopez, Fernando16331716ARGENTONA C.P. ESCACS71,45150,5236,518317
11Egea Guerrero, Arnau16731419MOLLET, CLUB D'ESCACS68,85,5161281,518078
12Lozano Alarcon, Alejandro17481795MONTORNES C.E.68,85,5158,5275,517918
13Berbel Gutierrez, J. Guillermo16961799ARGENTONA C.P. ESCACS66,74142,5227,517226
14Romero Gonzalez, Denis16461782PARETANA D'ESCACS, ASSOCIACIO64,34,5160,5276,518287
15Sanchez Eduardo, Albert17441810ARGENTONA C.P. ESCACS64,34,5160248,517467
16Batalle Mompart, Carles16731766PARETANA D'ESCACS, ASSOCIACIO64,34,5156248,517437
17Sanchez Hernandez, Xavier15401631PEONA I PEO, C.E.64,34,515224217747
18Mas Sayos, Lluis16891761VIC, C.E.64,34,5150,523317167
19Forca Soler, Marti16461802LLINARS, CLUB D'ESCACS64,34,5149,523417687
20Argemi Camp, Jaume16571753VALL DEL TENES, CLUB ESCACS64,34,514726117117