XVI Obert Santa Eulàlia de Ronçana 2024 Grup B Id. 383141

Organizer(s)C.E. Vall de Tenes
FederationCatalonia ( CAT )
Tournament directorAlbert Valls Matheu id 22283102
Chief ArbiterJose Maria Jordan Garcia id. 2269481
ArbiterAnna Bonals roca Id. 24513970
Time control (Standard)90'+30"
LocationSanta Eulàlia de Ronçana
Number of rounds8
Tournament typeSwiss-System
Rating calculationRating national, Rating international
Date2024/09/21 to 2024/11/23
Pairing programSwiss-Manager from Heinz HerzogSwiss-Manager tournamentfile

Last update 22.10.2024 00:27:28, Creator/Last Upload: Josep M. Jordan Garcia

Tournament selectionGrup A, Grup B, Grup C, Grup D
LinksOfficial Homepage of the Organizer, Link with tournament calendar
Parameters No tournament details
ListsStarting rank, Alphabetical list, Statistics, Alphabetical list all groups, Team-Composition with round-results, Team-Ranking, Playing schedule
Ranking crosstable after Round 5, Starting rank crosstable
Board PairingsRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5, Rd.6/8 , not paired
Ranking list afterRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5
The best player per boardaccording Points, according percent
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Ranking crosstable after Round 5

Rk.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1AFMGarcia Garrido FerranCAT 31w1 85b+ 32b1 14w1 2b½ 8w4,528,573,50
2Lambert PaulCAT 42b1 26w1 47b1 5w1 1w½ 3b4,523,5690
3Martin Vineta MiquelCAT 73b1 20w½ 44b1 12w1 9b1 2w4,523670
4Arcusa Postils EduardCAT 61b1 44w½ 48b1 7b1 10w½ 5w42771,50
5Solagran Munoz GuillemCAT 81w1 70b1 25w1 2b0 30w1 4b42669,50
6Cid Ramos XavierCAT 62w1 22b½ 45w1 31b1 -0425,5580
7Serrano Lopez FernandoCAT 89b1 16w1 15b1 4w0 27b1 -0424660
8Arguimbau Chercoles LucasCAT 21b1 54w½ 39b1 25w1 1b422,5540
9Mateo Hernandez FrancescCAT 45w½ 55b1 22w1 40b1 3w0 15b3,527,5740
10Salinas Sellas AbelCAT 68b1 14w0 26b1 54w1 4b½ 18w3,526,5710
11Lozano Alarcon AlejandroCAT 57w0 77b1 51b1 32w1 14b½ 17w3,526690
12Egea Guerrero ArnauCAT 59b1 71w1 30b½ 3b0 49w1 13w3,525,565,50
13Sanchez Eduardo AlbertCAT 49b1 32w0 68b1 46w1 12b3,525,5550
14Martinez Navarro Josep MCAT 64w1 10b1 23w1 1b0 11w½ 30b3,524,5690
15Batalle Mompart CarlesCAT 80w1 43b1 7w0 42b1 9w3,524,555,50
16Carrasco Gomez AriadnaCAT 50w1 7b0 57w1 37b1 -03,524,555,50
17Forca Soler MartiCAT 76b1 23b0 63w1 40w1 11b3,524,5550
18Auferil Barnils AntoniCAT 36b0 59w1 61b1 47w1 10b3,523520
19Anton Garcia EricCAT 84b1 48w½ 54b½ 31w0 66b1 -0327700
20Sanchez Hernandez XavierCAT 38w1 3b½ 40w0 54b1 24w326570
21Castaneda Munoz AntonioCAT 8w0 80b1 50b1 27w0 55b1 31w325670
22Martin Rull Enric XavierCAT 82b1 6w½ 9b0 36w1 23w½ 29b32566,50
23Giro Castellet EsteveCAT 35b1 17w1 14b0 37w½ 22b½ 28w325630
24Beldie Raimondo-GabrielROU 43w0 87b1 66w½ 57b½ 63w1 20b324,564,50
25Montilla Gordillo MartiCAT 60b1 46w1 5b0 55w1 8b0 26w32464,50
26Carrera Font DanielCAT 75w1 2b0 10w0 76b1 58w1 25b323620
27Gonzalez Moreno AntoniCAT -0 65b1 69w1 21b1 7w0 32b323540
28Permanyer Dvoretskiy VictorCAT 55w0 67b1 43w½ 65b1 23b323520
29Mas Sayos LluisCAT 65w½ 45b0 64w1 62b1 22w322,5540
30Negre Pipla JosepCAT 63w1 69b1 12w½ 5b0 14w322,5510
31Sanchez Rios HilarioCAT 1b0 90w+ 41w1 19b1 6w0 21b321,5620
32Romero Gonzalez DenisCAT 74w1 13b1 1w0 11b0 52w+ 27w321,5600
33Delgado Brugue DanielCAT -0 -0 78w1 80b1 57w1 -0315420
34Perez Cometto Luis AlbertoCAT -0 -0 81w1 83b1 72w1 -0313380
35Gonzalez Navarro Carlos ManuelCAT 23w0 64b½ 65w0 81b1 71w1 41b2,52567,50
36Montilla Rodriguez AshtonCAT 18w1 40b½ -0 22b0 68w1 56w2,52555,50
37Argemi Camp JaumeCAT 88w1 47b- 71b1 23b½ 16w0 46b2,524,567,50
38Baucells Miralpeix MiguelCAT 20b0 73w1 42b½ 44w½ 45b½ 50w2,52468,50
39Bosch Ricart JoanCAT 87w1 57b½ 8w0 46b½ 51w½ 49b2,523,5650
40Lopez Torralba OscarCAT 52b1 36w½ 20b1 9w0 17b0 42w2,523640
41Berbel Gutierrez J. GuillermoCAT 77w1 -0 31b0 60w1 44b½ 35w2,52351,50
42Lopez Sanchez PedroCAT 2w0 75b1 38w½ 70b1 15w0 40b2,522,5650
43Vazquez Viladrosa VictorCAT 24b1 15w0 28b½ 48w0 69b1 44w2,522,5620
44Rodriguez Sorribes Jose AntonioCAT 53w1 4b½ 3w0 38b½ 41w½ 43b2,522,560,50
45Sales Artigas NilCAT 9b½ 29w1 6b0 38w½ 47b2,522,5510
46Lorenzo Gazapo JuampeCAT 56w1 25b0 72b1 39w½ 13b0 37w2,52262,50
47Sergooris EmmaCAT 72b1 37w+ 2w0 18b0 45w2,521,552,50
48Miralles Ferri SalvadorCAT 91w+ 19b½ 4w0 43b1 -0 -02,521,548,50
49Turro Mateu PereCAT 13w0 74b1 56w1 12b0 39w2,520,546,50
50Cid Marcos LaiaCAT 16b0 89w+ 21w0 70w1 38b2,52049,50
51Poble Noguera RamonCAT -0 88b1 11w0 79w1 39b½ -02,519450
52Genis Traveria FerranCAT 40w0 81b1 70w½ 32b- -0225560
53Homs Alsina TomasCAT 44b0 61w0 -1 63b0 80w+ 62w223,555,50
54Garcia Cachinero JesusCAT 86w1 8b½ 19w½ 10b0 20w0 67b223610
55Oriaifoh Abulu JosephCAT 28b1 9w0 85b+ 25b0 21w0 60b222,5630
56Flores Munoz DanielCAT 46b0 60w1 49b0 61w1 -0 36b22249,50
57Viaplana Puigdomenech SantiCAT 11b1 39w½ 16b0 24w½ 33b0 65w221,5600
58Corbacho Adelar AranCAT 69w0 63b0 88w+ 84w1 26b0 61w22158,50
59Fernandez Marin DanielCAT 12w0 18b0 75w0 89b1 83w1 63b220,560,50
60Espadero Roda FrancescCAT 25w0 56b0 89w1 41b0 75w+ 55w220,559,50
61Alabart Paytubi JosepCAT 4w0 53b1 18w0 56b0 78w1 58b220,558,50
62Autonell Zurita AdriaCAT 6b0 -0 90w1 75b1 29w0 53b220,547,50
63Lloret Han XavierCAT 30b0 58w1 17b0 53w1 24b0 59w21953,50
64Agadzhanyan SoniaRUS 14b0 35w½ 29b0 77w+ 66w21946,50
65Sanchez Hernandez AlexCAT 29b½ 27w0 35b1 28w0 57b21944,50
66Gomez Sanchez JavierCAT -0 76w1 24b½ 19w0 64b213,5330
67Serrat Quesada JoanCAT -0 28w0 -0 91b+ 84b1 54w21332,50
68Zevallos Medina NicolasCAT 10w0 78b1 13w0 36b0 70b1,522,5520
69Paretas Rosas JosepCAT 58b1 30w0 27b0 43w0 71b1,521500
70Gaona Gonzalez JoseCAT 79b1 5w0 52b½ 42w0 50b0 68w1,520,557,50
71Gallardo Portillo Roberto JesusCAT 83w1 12b0 37w0 35b0 69w1,519470
72Riera Mestres JosepCAT 47w0 86b1 46w0 34b0 -01,519460
73Boixader Rojas EudaldCAT 3w0 38b0 -0 87w+ -01,513,5360
74Mestre Gimenez Marcos AlejandroCAT 32b0 49w0 -0 78b0 88w1 84w122510
75Lozano Segura OscarCAT 26b0 42w0 59b1 62w0 60b- 80w12058,50
76Diaz Ecuer Isaac AndresCAT 17w0 66b0 87w+ 26w0 -0 86b120460
77Casals Sala LianCAT 41b0 11w0 -0 90b+ 64b- 82w120460
78Clapers Galles JordiCAT -0 68w0 33b0 74w1 61b0 81w119,545,50
79Izquierdo Fuster JoanCAT 70w0 83b0 82w1 51b0 -0 -0119,5450
80Sobrevias Mas FrancescCAT 15b0 21w0 91b+ 33w0 53b- 75b11953,50
81Farre Muntaner Jose R.CAT 5b0 52w0 34b0 35w0 89w1 78b118530
82Soto Segura VictorCAT 22w0 -0 79b0 86w0 90b+ 77b11742,50
83Bermejo Piquer AntonioCAT 71b0 79w1 -0 34w0 59b0 -011741,50
84Sola Olive JosepCAT 19w0 91b+ -0 58b0 67w0 74b116,538,50
85Alonso Rodriguez Francisco JavierCAT 90b1 1w- 55w- -0 -0 -011540,50
86Gomez Gimenez JavierCAT 54b0 72w0 -0 82b1 -0 76w112,5370
87Boumaiz Lopez RayanCAT 39b0 24w0 76b- 73b- 88b0,519,5460
88Boumaiz Lopez IsaacCAT 37b0 51w0 58b- 74b0 87w0,517,5420
89Vazquez Viladrosa VenusCAT 7w0 50b- 60b0 59w0 81b0 -002260,50
90Fornieles Zurita MiquelCAT 85w0 31b- 62b0 77w- 82w- -0021,560,50
91Gonzalez Grima FerranCAT 48b- 84w- 80w- 67w- -0 -0021,549,50
92Llorens Gou JuanCAT -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00000

Tie Break1: Sum Buchholz-Tie Break variable
Tie Break2: Sum Buchholz-Tie Break variable
Tie Break3: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)