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CN Amador Rápidas 2023-24 - grupo B (sub1600)

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony16.08.2024 13:24:05, Creator/Last Upload: Portuguese Chess Federation (Licence 22)

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1SAMPAIO, Pedro Ferreira de Azevedo e465321978713POR1600U18
2GIL, Diogo José Fernandes456711982206POR1540U12
3RETORTA, Fábio Sester469751980394BRA1538
4LOURENÇO, Duarte Costa456631977318POR1534U16
5CALADO, Carlos Fernando Cordeiro Perei399491958810POR1508U18
6MARTINS, Guilherme Roque211621986775POR1489
7BIBE, Mariana Maltez457931979396POR0wU10
8CARVALHO, João Tomás Coutinho de478931983105POR0U10
9FERNANDES, Miguel Casanova478181984365POR0U14
10GIL, Miguel Filipe Gonçalves463591982478POR0
11GIL, Sara Luísa Fernandes478111982486POR0wU08
12MARTINS, Henrique Pais da Silva491901986279POR0U10
13MARTINS, Sebastião Pais da Silva491911986180POR0U08
14MESQUITA, Mafalda Cardoso434651970828POR0wU14
15MESQUITA, Matilde Cardoso434661970836POR0wU14
16MESQUITA, Nuno Fernando Guedes434621979949POR0
17PRAZERES, Isaac Coelho dos491271986023POR0U14
18SEQUEIRA, Edgar Alves456641986422POR0U14
19SOUSA, Guilherme Resende Miranda de478121983903POR0U14
20TANNER, Michael Gordon475172529831IRL0S65
21TEIXEIRA, Mateus Gomes479801985914POR0U08