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Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. Inter-Zonal (Women's) Chess Tournament 2024

Last update 23.07.2024 09:36:16, Creator/Last Upload: Goa Chess Association

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11. Minakshi, MalikIND0NR-1
22. Kamlesh, BhooraniIND0CC
33. Himanshi,IND0CC
4Aswathi, C KIND0SR-2
5Bani, BasumataryIND0NER
6Charanpreet, KaurIND0NR-2
7Charanya, AmbatiIND0NR-2
8Divya, RaniIND0ER-1
9Komal, Jayant KhedkarIND0WR-1
10Likitha, M.R.IND0SR-2
11Manisha, SinghIND0ER-1
12Nabadipa, DasIND0NER
13Nidhi, ShrivastavaIND0NR-1
14Nisha, DeshmukhIND0WR-1
15Priya, DharIND0NER
16Sangita, SarkarIND0CC
17Shruti, TripathiIND0WR-1
19Sunita, KumariIND0SR-2
20Tanjit, KaurIND0NR-2
21Thanuja, MeddiIND0SR-1