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Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. Inter-Zonal (Men's) Chess Tournament 2024

Last update 23.07.2024 09:42:05, Creator/Last Upload: Goa Chess Association

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Starting rank

1Biswajyoti, Das25090402IND1721NER
2ACMAvinash, Kumar25156152IND1548ER-1
3Rahul, Chamoli25795910IND1458CC
4Abhishek, AgarwalIND0NR-1
5Anoop, Kumar PandeyIND0NR-3
6Avanish, KumarIND0NR-3
7Bijit, Sarma5087171IND0NER
8Biki, MahatoIND0NER
9Dhirendra, KumarIND0NR-3
10Gopal, ChandIND0NR-1
11Gowhar, Ahmad MirIND0NR-2
12Hari Krishna, MalapulaIND0SR-2
13Hrishikesh, SinghIND0NER
14Jitendra, KumarIND0NR-1
15Jonnalagadda, Balaji BabuIND0SR-1
16Kalpesh, Ravindra KotwalIND0WR-2
17Kimidi, SandeepIND0CC
18Kiran, Kumar AnanthojuIND0SR-1
19Lakshmana, Swamy AbboluIND0SR-2
20Manish, KumarIND0WR-1
21Md. Umar, FarooqueIND0ER-2
22Mohan, Rao BaggineniIND0SR-2
23Nasir, Ali MuftiIND0NR-2
24Naveen, VermaIND0NR-1
25Nishant, KumarIND0NR-3
26Pankaj, KumarIND0ER-1
27Pulipati Leela, Sai Rama KrishnaIND0SR-1
28Rahul, SharmaIND0WR-2
29Ravindra, Harish WankhedeIND0WR-1
30Rishi, BhattIND0CC
31Ritesh, RaiIND0WR-1
32Sandip Kumar, RanaIND0WR-2
33Sarbjit, SinghIND0NR-2
34Satish, KumarIND0ER-1
35Saurabh, KumarIND0CC
36Shaileshkumar, CharpotIND0WR-2
37Shibu, ChakrabortyIND0ER-2
38Shiv, KumarIND0ER-1
39Shudhanshu, KumarIND0ER-2
40Suram, SrikanthIND0SR-1
41Swarup, KarmakarIND0ER-2
42V V V, GangajiIND0SR-2
43Vikrant, AgrawalIND0WR-1