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Aniversario 100 de la Fide

Posledná aktualizácia 22.07.2024 02:29:20, Creator: pinkycuba,Last Upload: universo ajedrecistico

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Štartová listina

1IMElias Reyes, Jorge Roberto3517470CUB2336
2FMPereira Mantecon, Antonio3507521CUB2222
3FMCabrera Torres, Raul3505740CUB2187
4Ramirez Cabreja, Ronniel Abraham3534464CUB2154
5Zamora Rosales, Noslen3505529CUB2146
6Diaz Quesada, George3508749CUB2111
7FMGonzalez Soler, Leduard Manuel3531120CUB2089
8Neira Garcia, Llirbel Anei3530400CUB2052
9Herrera Benitez, Felipe3532844CUB2035
10De La Paz Vento, Manuel3527786CUB1980
11Pino Alvarez, Yaima3531201CUB1965
12Castillo Rosales, Olexis3521583CUB1950
13Hernandez Elias, Yurislandy3530256CUB1904
14Hechavarria Puga, Lenier3530248CUB1886
15Pino Alvarez, Yadira3530809CUB1850
16Roman Baso, Dorian Sadek3532976CUB1755
17Del Risco Aldana, Alejandra3535932CUB1710
18Castro Marrero, Samira3533581CUB1693
19Hernandez Gonzalez, Robert Ignaci3533590CUB1680
20Estenoz Cabrera, Cristian Alejand3535959CUB1666
21Moreno De Zayas, Georbel3536793CUB1657
22Cordoves Leon, Ruben Dario3534910CUB1610
23Fernandez Martinez, Dayaris3535967CUB1581
24Barrios Garcia, Luis Miguel3535290CUB1549
25Ricote Corrales, Maria Claudia3535320CUB1537
26Rios Canete, Harold David3537846CUB1507
27Rodriguez Perez, Marcos Daniel3538141CUB1477
28Rodriguez Gonzalez, Liz Amanda3536866CUB0