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Inscripciones cerradasTorneo Tablero de Hierro - KFC Chess (Invitacional)Վերջին արդիացում05.08.2024 00:26:12, Creator/Last Upload: ngaitan
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | սեռ | Տիպ |
1 | | | Cardoza, Cesar Mauiricio | 6103022 | NCA | 1931 | | |
2 | | | Lopez Bravo, Larry Junior | 6110665 | NCA | 1844 | | |
3 | | | Pavon Ruiz, Cristhoffer Israel | 6108628 | NCA | 1802 | | U20 |
4 | | | Guido, Rene | 6102069 | NCA | 1787 | | S50 |
5 | | | Calero Urroz, Lander Moises | 6113087 | NCA | 1776 | | |
6 | | | Lopez Bravo, Axel Enoc | 6110924 | NCA | 1755 | | U20 |
7 | | | Lopez Urbina, Luis Ismael | 6111815 | NCA | 1751 | | |
8 | | | Lim Villanueva, Gerson Ulises | 6111378 | NCA | 1717 | | U20 |
9 | | | Carcache Acevedo, Henry Jose | 6111777 | NCA | 1713 | | U20 |
10 | | | Solorzano Hernandez, Stiven Jose | 6111904 | NCA | 1657 | | U20 |
11 | | | Quintanilla Gallo, Erlis Jose | 6109624 | NCA | 1644 | | S50 |
12 | | | Berrios Vanegas, Yanko Antonio | 6107214 | NCA | 1626 | | S50 |
13 | | | Sanchez Obregon, Cesar Ramon | 6113095 | NCA | 1583 | | |
14 | | | Gutierrez Lopez, Carlos Ivan | 6112722 | NCA | 1463 | | U18 |
15 | | | Serrano Ortez, Dominique Nicole | 6113192 | NCA | 1453 | w | U14 |
16 | | | Acevedo Buitrago, Juan Carlos | 6113010 | NCA | 0 | | U18 |
17 | | | Castillo Matus, Leonardo Renato Segundo | | NCA | 0 | | |
18 | | | Morales Urbina, Michelle Vanessa | 6113877 | NCA | 0 | w | U20 |
19 | | | Orozco Mendoza, Dania Fernanda | | NCA | 0 | w | U18 |
20 | | | Pavon Corea, Kerry Anderson | | NCA | 0 | | U20 |