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Sunday Rated Blitz Tournament - July 2024

Վերջին արդիացում28.07.2024 20:23:18, Creator/Last Upload: StLuciaChess

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1James, Justin23000422LCA1717
2Elizee, Kaieem23000392LCA1665
3Charles, Ethan23000660LCA1621
4Wahid, Chelsea23000627LCA1494
5Arun R., Hariram23000805LCA0
6Cilpa, D'yorni23000848LCA0
7De Leon, Ariel23000856LCA0
8Desroses, Joshua23000880LCA0
9Eliotte, Sam23000562LCA0
10Gidharry, Sanjay23000899LCA0
11Leonce, Nwt23000783LCA0
12Leonce, Shekinah23000767LCA0
13Martin, Jesse23000864LCA0
14Nugent, Noah23000902LCA0
15Rajendran, Gnanam23000910LCA0
16Remy, Valdez23000929LCA0
17Sonson, Kennedy23000872LCA0
18Sylvestre, Cassim23000937LCA0