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II Torneo Bimestral de Ajedrez

Last update 21.07.2024 21:59:53, Creator/Last Upload: Samuel Ocampo Figueroa

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Starting rank

1Alanis, Arroyo Jose IsraelMEX1861Morelos
2Salgado Ramos, Diego5163382MEX1858Morelos
3AIMCorona Gutierrez, Eduardo5113750MEX1799Morelos
4Flores, Morales OswaldoMEX1692Morelos
5Galvez, Vidal DanielMEX1656Morelos
6Marino, Gonzalez Angel RomeroMEX1620Morelos
7Marino, Gonzalez PatricioMEX1604Morelos
8Arenas, Castillo Beida FernandaMEX1598Morelos
9Badillo, Chavez Alexis Arturo5161088MEX1572Morelos
10Arjona Otero, ErickMEX0Morelos
11Bahena, AnyenMEX0Morelos
12Bahena Enriquez, Angel TonatiuhMEX0Morelos
13Elizondo Alcon, Mario EnriqueMEX0Morelos
14Galvez Marchan, GermanMEX0Morelos
15Ibarra Castro, Luis AlfonsoMEX0Morelos
16Marino Dircio, Abraham ErasmoMEX0Morelos
17Ponce, YolotzinMEX0Morelos
18Rodriguez, RafaelMEX0Morelos
19Romero, CristofherMEX0Morelos
20Romero Toledano, Anuar EnriqueMEX0Morelos
21Salgado Rocha, Daniel AlexanderMEX0Morelos
22Sanchez Tafoya, RodrigoMEX0Morelos
23Valdivia Delgado, Ethan JezuryMEX0Morelos
24Yee Echandi, LucaMEX0Morelos
25Yee Echandi, MateoMEX0Morelos