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Mini Chess Chess Day Posledná aktualizácia 21.07.2024 17:02:42, Creator/Last Upload: Seychelles Chess-Federation
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo |
1 | | Pandu Ragan, Ranesh | | SEY | 1500 |
2 | | Sitkin, Alexander | | SEY | 1400 |
3 | | Kumar, Akhurath | | SEY | 1300 |
4 | | Kumar, Shubban | | SEY | 1200 |
5 | | Macho, Camillo | | SEY | 1200 |
6 | | Saravanan, Shai | | SEY | 1200 |
7 | | Dodin, Michael | | SEY | 1100 |
8 | | Mohan, Dhaisharan | | SEY | 1100 |
9 | | A. Kumar, Dharshan | | SEY | 1000 |
10 | | Confiance, Matteo | | SEY | 1000 |
11 | | Domaniecki, Ben | | SEY | 1000 |
12 | | Etienne, Rick | | SEY | 1000 |
13 | | Kannan, Abi | | SEY | 1000 |
14 | | Macho, Nawel | | SEY | 1000 |
15 | | Shaazim, Emre | | SEY | 1000 |
16 | | Athanase, Azarel | | SEY | 900 |
17 | | Kumar, Raj Kumar | | SEY | 850 |
18 | | Reverra, Dreydian | | SEY | 800 |
19 | | Vinoth Kumar, Malasri | | SEY | 800 |
20 | | Vinsth Prasath, Thulakshan | | SEY | 800 |
21 | | Julius, Eiliyiah | | SEY | 700 |
22 | | Nancy, Avery | | SEY | 700 |
23 | | Reverra, Hope | | SEY | 700 |
24 | | Adrienne, Jamia | | SEY | 600 |