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Mini Chess Chess Day

Վերջին արդիացում21.07.2024 17:02:42, Creator/Last Upload: Seychelles Chess-Federation

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Pandu Ragan, RaneshSEY1500
2Sitkin, AlexanderSEY1400
3Kumar, AkhurathSEY1300
4Kumar, ShubbanSEY1200
5Macho, CamilloSEY1200
6Saravanan, ShaiSEY1200
7Dodin, MichaelSEY1100
8Mohan, DhaisharanSEY1100
9A. Kumar, DharshanSEY1000
10Confiance, MatteoSEY1000
11Domaniecki, BenSEY1000
12Etienne, RickSEY1000
13Kannan, AbiSEY1000
14Macho, NawelSEY1000
15Shaazim, EmreSEY1000
16Athanase, AzarelSEY900
17Kumar, Raj KumarSEY850
18Reverra, DreydianSEY800
19Vinoth Kumar, MalasriSEY800
20Vinsth Prasath, ThulakshanSEY800
21Julius, EiliyiahSEY700
22Nancy, AverySEY700
23Reverra, HopeSEY700
24Adrienne, JamiaSEY600