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I4-5 zoj - Team Birjand chess academy 1403/04/31

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony17.08.2024 15:50:53, Creator/Last Upload: IA Mr. Javad Mizani

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Tabela wg zajętych miejsc

M-sceDrużyna12345678910 TB 1  TB 2  TB 3 
1hasht paye shatranj * ½31½10000144125,5
fisher 2 * 10½2000144125,5
3kasparov1 * 23211100144125
4shatranjbazan bozorg331 * 2½1½00142123
5king chess412 * 2301½0139,5120,5
blak chess22 * 1100139,5120,5
7moorfi223213 * 230137118
8fisehr43½432 * 20135116
9loard of chess44331 * 10133114
10majik chess4444423 * 0125,5114

TB 1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
TB 2: Buchholz Tie-Break (Gamepoints, Cut2)
TB 3: Buchholz Tie-Break (Gamepoints, Median1)