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Shamieh International Day at Lions Under 12 Boys

Darrera actualització21.07.2024 14:15:32, Creador/Darrera càrrega: ArchibaldChess Intl.

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Rànquing inicial

1Karout, Al Horr5324009LBN1426U12
2Abou Zahr, Adam5319358LBN0U12
3Al Lakkis, MarcLBN0U12
4Fadel, AliLBN0U12
5Hankeer, Adam5325048LBN0U12
6Hojeili, KarimLBN0U12
7Nassar, KarimLBN0U12
8Rafeh, AdamLBN0U12
9Saad, ChristopherLBN0U12