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Shamieh International Day at Lions Under 10 Boys

Last update 21.07.2024 14:34:22, Creator/Last Upload: ArchibaldChess Intl.

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1El Koudsi, Ahmad5316111LBN1495U10
2El Khoury, Jean Pierre5324238LBN1482U10
3El Jawich, Qusay5323533LBN1401U10
4Abo Rida, Jawad5316847LBN0U10
5Kaafarani, MajdLBN0U10
6Kawam, Ghadi5319544LBN0U10
7Khalefeh, AliLBN0U10
8Mkhail, PaulLBN0U10
9Naim, FreddyLBN0U10
10Othman, IbrahimLBN0U10
11Usta, Hasan5321484LBN0U10