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Campeonato Nacional de Rapidas Infantil U-16

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony21.07.2024 20:54:51, Creator/Last Upload: Ajedrezhonduras

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1Ordonez Canales, Josue Fernando8411328HON1603
2Ramos Martinez, Andre8409692HON1459
3Aguilera, David AlexanderHON0
4Aguilera, Esther AlexandraHON0
5Amador Ordonez, SofiaHON0
6Burgos, AlejandroHON0
7Castillo, Josue AlejandroHON0
8Contreras Moreno, ZackaryHON0
9Gerrero Lobo, AnnyHON0
10Gerrero Lobo, MiaHON0
11Lagos Calix, Angel DavidHON0
12Maradiaga, LunaHON0
13Nolasco, AntonyHON0
14Soriano, ChristianHON0