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Tournoi Echec et Mat des 100 ans de la FIDE du Burkina-Faso - GROUPE B

Last update 21.07.2024 02:56:24, Creator/Last Upload: Togo Chess Federation

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1Carbonell, YannBUR0
2Da, KpimewoulouBUR0
3Georges, FramBUR0
4Hounsossou, MauriceBUR0
5Koita, Abdoul MadjideBUR0
6Koita, Fatoumata LatifaBUR0
7Mankabou, DiwiniBUR0
8Mevi, Mireille AminataBUR0
9Neya, CedricBUR0
10Ouedraogo, NoufouBUR0
11Zouri, SemirahBUR0