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Torneo Fiestas Julia Huehuetenango 2024 Categoria Sub10

Last update 21.07.2024 00:53:09, Creator: SCHWAB RENE (S.C.Donaustadt),Last Upload: Federation Nacional de Ajedrez de Guatemala

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Starting rank

1Alcanta, AmeliaSuc0
2Argueta, SergioSuc0
3Bran, JuanSuc0
4Caleb, DilanHue0
5Cardona, KennethHue0
6Coz, JeremiasSuc0
7Escobar, DavidQue0
8Gramajo, MarcoQue0
9Juarez, ChristopherSuc0
10Lopez, AlexSuc0
11Mendoza, ItanHue0
12Molina, JashuaHue0
13Ramos, MariaHue0
14Sanchez, CarloHue0
15Tarax, PabloHue0
16Tojil, FernandoQui0
17Tujal, OttonielSuc0
18Tzuban, AndersonTot0
19Vasquez, KenyaQue0
20Vicente, AnthonyQui0
21Villatoro, JosueHue0
22Villatoro, PabloHue0
23Yacabalquiej, LuzSuc0