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Torneo Fiestas Julias Huehuetenango 2024 Categoria Sub14

Last update 21.07.2024 00:54:02, Creator: SCHWAB RENE (S.C.Donaustadt),Last Upload: Federation Nacional de Ajedrez de Guatemala

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Starting rank

1Alonzo, BrayanHue0
2Cardona, JosephHue0
3Cifuentes, ElvinHue0
4Flores, YostinHue0
5Garcia, IrisQui0
6Garrido, GenesisHue0
7Garzona, EmelynSuc0
8Godinez, CarlosQui0
9Hidalgo, FrisleySuc0
10Lopez, JuanHue0
11Morales, HansHue0
12Paxtor, RodolfoGua0
13Paz y Paz, CamilaTot0
14Rodas, JosueHue0
15Sen, JosueQui0
16Solval, JoseSuc0
17Sontay, FernandoHue0
18Torres, MarlonHue0
19Vasquez, JulioHue0