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Torneo Interno del día del Ajedrez

Last update 21.07.2024 00:23:09, Creator/Last Upload: Árbitro Pedro Pizarro

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Starting rank

1Nelo Lopez, Yuliana5184789MEX1609
2Galan Gomez, VictorMEX0
3Isleno Lopez, Diego AlbertoMEX0
4Ledezma Vega, Emily JocelynMEX0
5Lopez Frias, MaryJoseMEX0
6Lopez Frias, Sofia YaretziMEX0
7Reyes Duran, Ana SofiaMEX0
8Silvestre Ramirez, Kaled JoshuaMEX0
9Torres Romero, Axel SaidMEX0
10Vega Moran, ReneeMEX0
11Vivanco Torres, Damian AlexanderMEX0
12Vivanco Torres, Emma ValentinaMEX0
13Zuccolotto Gomez, Maximo AlejandroMEX0