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FIDE Guinness World Records Attempt
Algerian Contribution on the most memorable event in the world

CSBéjaia organize a Bejaia Grand Simultaneous Games 2024

♔♕♖♗♘♙ Bejaia 3rd Grand Simultaneous Games 2024 ♙♘♗♖♕♔

Վերջին արդիացում20.07.2024 20:32:03, Creator/Last Upload: IA-IO Walid Fermas ALG

Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1CMBenyahia, Safin7905556ALG1818
7Amini, Benyamine7966091ALG0CSBéjaia
8Amini, Ridha7959133ALG0CSBéjaia
9Boukraa, Mounia7959168ALG0CSBéjaia
2Frissou, GhilasALG0CSBéjaia
5Ghennouchi, Ali7966113ALG0CSBéjaia
6Ghennouchi, Imane7944535ALG0CSBéjaia
10Hanache, Asma7968795ALG0CSBéjaia
11Hanache, Aya7968515ALG0CSBéjaia
3Nasri, Abderaouf7968698ALG0CSBéjaia
4Nasri, Ayoub7969384ALG0CSBéjaia
13Zeffouni, Adem7959281ALG0
12Zegagh, Anais7966156ALG0