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FIDEworldrecord FIDE Guinness World Records Attempt Algerian Contribution on the most memorable event in the world
CSBéjaia organize a Bejaia Grand Simultaneous Games 2024 #FIDE100♔♕♖♗♘♙ Bejaia 2nd Grand Simultaneous Games 2024 ♙♘♗♖♕♔ Վերջին արդիացում20.07.2024 20:21:58, Creator/Last Upload: IA-IO Walid Fermas ALG
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | | Hamoum, Abdelhalim | 7905874 | ALG | 1704 | CSBéjaia |
4 | | Araoune, Abdsalam | 7950870 | ALG | 0 | CSBéjaia |
5 | | Araoune, Maria | 7950888 | ALG | 0 | CSBéjaia |
8 | | Bouchelkia, Abdelmalek | | ALG | 0 | CSBéjaia |
6 | | Djemaoui, Eline | 7968779 | ALG | 0 | CSBéjaia |
7 | | Djemaoui, Idir | 7968639 | ALG | 0 | CSBéjaia |
2 | | Ouyahia, Islam | 7951310 | ALG | 0 | CSBéjaia |
3 | | Ouyahia, Rayane | 7951329 | ALG | 0 | CSBéjaia |