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FIDE @ 100 KIDS RAPID Վերջին արդիացում20.07.2024 20:11:21, Creator/Last Upload: LCF_National
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | William, F. Binda | 22603360 | LBR | 1406 |
2 | | Abella, M. Sormalah | 22602127 | LBR | 0 |
3 | | Kolibah D., Moses | | LBR | 0 |
4 | | Musu, Suah | 22602135 | LBR | 0 |
5 | | Nesher J., Nador | | LBR | 0 |
6 | | Philip, Faustina O. | | LBR | 0 |
7 | | Philip, Winniefred | | LBR | 0 |
8 | | Phillip A., Joseph | | LBR | 0 |
9 | | Phillip O., Emmanuel | | LBR | 0 |