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Nestle Chess Intenational Day Tournament

Last update 21.07.2024 12:23:10, Creator/Last Upload: Hussien Eltayib

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Starting rank

1Abdullah, AlbarKSA0
2Alamr, Shaden Abdullah M21521832KSA0
3Aqeel, GuzaizKSA0
4Hashem, TarabzoniKSA0
5Ibrahim, AlberikyKSA0
6Naif, AlzaharaniKSA0
7Saleh, AlsheriKSA0
8Salman, AlshammariKSA0
9Shadi, ElkhaniLBN0
10Thabrez, KhanIND0
11Yasser, BatarjiKSA0
12Yusra, NowilatyKSA0