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FIDE 100 Drogheda Morning Blitz

Last update 22.07.2024 16:38:54, Creator/Last Upload: Frank Pentony

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Starting rank

1Karnaukh, Nikolay14132850UKR1970
2Fagan, Rordan2525836IRL1960
3Puchkov, Vladislav34114537RUS1948
4Bolkeny, GaborHUN1932
5Gudauskas, Martynas12810312LTU1783
6Faustino Lawler, EliasIRL1749
7Cummins, FinnIRL1729
8Doyle, Frank2524759IRL1681
9Scanlan, Pat2509091IRL1640
10Mitchell, PhilipIRL1610
11Corrigan, BrendanIRL1489
12Faustino Lawlor, LeviIRL1260
13Das, TanmoyIRL0
14Pentony, James,IRL0
15Sharpe, BrianIRL0
16Sharpe, CiaranIRL0
17Mohan, TanushIRL0