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7th Chiba Chess Festa in Kashiwa (for rating)

Վերջին արդիացում20.07.2024 14:00:37, Creator/Last Upload:

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1Saito, Hiromasa1775
2Ishii, Ichiro1741
3Tomii, Yoshikatsu1725
4Uetani, Toshiaki1627
5Aoki, Yasuhiro1560
6Uehara, Jun1512
7Ogasa, Seiichi1496
8Yamada, Atsushi1315
9Hoshino, Masashi1308
10Kato, Masakazu1239bye 1.2.5R
11Hara, Toshifumi1197
12Suzuki, Rei866
13Murata, Den652
14Suzuki, Rittoku400