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FIDE 100 Edinburgh Allegro

Last update 20.07.2024 18:12:10, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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Starting rank list

1White, Alastair F2402041SCO2059ED
2Bennett, William2400880SCO2011BS
3Rutherford, Willie2401045SCO1994ED
4Leah, Tom450960ENG1949WD
5Paul, Rabindra2403048SCO1857AR
6Kane, Robert420468ENG1812ED
7Gyalus, Mark17013623HUN1606ED
8Haddow, Findlay2412330SCO1550ED
9Mcgillivray, Calum2405407SCO1543ED
10Mcdonald, Angus2403099SCO1535BA
11Warcup, Richard2408589SCO1482ST
12Sokolenko, Pavlo34140026UKR1466ED
13Parasur, Raghuram2410460SCO1036EA
14Warcup, Ross2408597SCO802ST
15Madhu, Shriya2414899SCO713ER
16Wang, Meiting2413930SCO686EA
17Chatterjee, Tushit2415321SCO510EW
18Prabhu, Aadith2410400SCO436EA
19Chittam, Venkata2415879SCO0
20Cork, Iain2415860SCO0
21Dresser, Caleb2415852SCO0
22Edgar, Felix2415844SCO0ED
23Govil, Arnav2415500SCO0ER
24Madhu, Shruti2414902SCO0ER
25Mccready, Lochlan2413760SCO0SM
26Nathan, Prithvi S2414309SCO0EW
27Prabhu, Ainesh2414104SCO0LZ
28Ramprasad, Aaradhya2415550SCO0ER