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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة

LWB Annual Sports Day Chess

اخر تحديث20.07.2024 10:11:08, منشئ/آخر رفع: Namibia Chess-Federation

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ترتيب البداية

رقماسم اللاعبرقم دولياتحادتقييمنادي/مدينة
1Abreu, JesusNAM0Naraville Primary School
2Beukes, AldigoNAM0Naraville Primary School
3Boooysen, HiyalwaNAM0Naraville Primary School
4Claasen, WaydenNAM0Naraville Primary School
5Hendricks, CharlitoNAM0Naraville Primary School
6Johannes, EliNAM0Laerskool Walvis Bay
7Kakishi, ThomasNAM0Naraville Primary School
8Lindsey, LaurenNAM0Naraville Primary School
9Mbudu, UripunaamiNAM0Naraville Primary School
10Morkel, ZachlynneNAM0Naraville Primary School
11Morkel, ZachquineNAM0Naraville Primary School
12Nhinda, RebekkaNAM0Laerskool Walvis Bay
13Shivute, IlonaNAM0Laerskool Walvis Bay
14Strauss, Jean-PierreNAM0Laerskool Walvis Bay
15Sutil, CaydenceNAM0Laerskool Walvis Bay
16Usiku, MarianaNAM0Laerskool Walvis Bay
17Van Wyk, RenierNAM0Naraville Primary School
18Wellman, QuadeNAM0Laerskool Walvis Bay
19Wiese, JanroeNAM0Laerskool Walvis Bay
20Shipahu, HafeniNAM0Laerskool Walvis Bay