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Torneo Dia Mundial del Ajedrez 2024 Categoria Sub 18

Last update 20.07.2024 23:03:13, Creator/Last Upload: Arbiter Norma Vazquez Silvas

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Starting rank

1Rascon Peralta, Bolivar Ernesto296253861685
2Medel, Pena Jose Luis1663
3Chavez, Galarza Jose Carlos1563
4Andrade Lopez, Karely0
5Domingez Velenzuela, Erika Sared0
6Domingez Velenzuela, Erika Yared0
7Fierro Jaques, Angel Manuel0
8Pacheco Marin, Luis Manuel0
9Perez Lopez, Estrella Jassai0
10Ramirez Heredia, Santiago Andre0