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2do Torneo Nacional de Ajedrez SNTSS Comision Nacional de Deportes

Last update 26.07.2024 04:03:23, Creator/Last Upload: Trigo1963

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Starting rank

1NMAcosta Cruz, Oscar Yosimar5111269MEX2102Region 2
2Colli Lopez, Samuel Santiago5108780MEX1986Region 8
3CMLopez Rueda, Juan Pablo5109701MEX1957Region 3
4Jimenez Gonzalez, Galileo5183138MEX1887Region 2
5Martinez, Macedo GilbertoMEX1860Region 4
6De La O Montalvo, Carolina5122309MEX1831Region 5
7Villarreal, Magana Alfredo5133076MEX1785Region 4
8Cordova, Cisneros Jorge JavierMEX1760Region 3
9Rangel Vega, Alejandro5198860MEX1725Region 1
10Mendoza Baltazar, Luis Fernando5192862MEX1699Region 7
11Harris, Miranda JoelMEX1637Region 5
12Osuna, Muro GamalielMEX1607Region 1
13Guerrero, Segura EduardoMEX1531Region 8
14Lopez, Guerrero CesarMEX1515Region 6
15Estrada Miranda, IsmaelMEX0Region 6
16Jimenez Halla, Gerardo Ruy29652847MEX0Region 7