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3rd Ranking United Warangal Under-15 Girls Chess Championship – 2024 STRICTLY NO SPOT ENTRIES cell 9963214108

Last update 21.07.2024 13:51:01, Creator/Last Upload: kvvsarma

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Starting rank

1Addhya A,IND0
3Charvi Guguloth,IND0
4Gelli Sudhipa,IND0
5Hari Priya,IND0
6Janvi Thota,IND0
7Kambhampati, Hasmitha88181693IND0
8Mythri Inugala,IND0
9Nayonika K,IND0
10Niharika K,IND0
11Nithya Sri K,IND0
13Rishitha Putta,IND0
14Rithisha K,IND0
15Ritusri Pedada,IND0
16Riyasri Pedada,IND0
17Veekshiths M,IND0