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Toros Bravos Blitz.Tercera Edición

Last update 20.07.2024 03:50:09, Creator/Last Upload: David Martínez

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Starting rank

1Martinez Contreras, David5180554MEX1876
2Gomez Cuevas, Jose Francisco5193168MEX1804
3Santiago Chavez, Habid Pablo De Jesus5187494MEX1798
4Galvez Reyes, Jose29634768MEX1676
5Veloz Rosas, Fernanda Sanjuana29651220MEX1524
6Alvarado Martinez, Jorge Antonio29635853MEX0
7Cerna Gonzalez, MateoMEX0
8Galvez Reyes, Guadalupe29642400MEX0
9Gutierrez Lopez, JoshuaMEX0
10Gutierrez Lopez, MayaMEX0
11Martinez Ruiz, Alberto29636086MEX0
12Martinez Ruiz, Enrique RafaelMEX0