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Torneio Inverno 2024

Senast uppdaterad26.09.2024 00:53:04, Creator/Last Upload: Fexerj

Lista över spelare

8Sidney Rocha de AraujoBRA2037CXPAR
2Willy PetrenkoBRA1954JTC
4Marco De Castro CoutinhoBRA1952JTC
7Luis Felipe Garcia de OliveiraBRA1883CXMEIER
3Claudio Martins Teixeira AzeredoBRA1844JTC
1Marcio Roberto Oliveira LimaBRA1842JTC
6Ernesto Cesar Ourique SchlobachBRA1817JTC
5Allysson Lemos Gama da silvaBRA1654JTC
9Marcelo FelipeBRA0JTC