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Challenge with Captain Mahmoud Shoaib

Last update 20.07.2024 19:01:42, Creator/Last Upload: NA Mohamed Badr

Starting rank list of players

1Shoieb, Mahmoud10609946EGY1959
2Amr Abid, Nourseen54226767EGY1858
11Mohamed Abdo, Ahmed54261180EGY1730
3Omran, Salah10683933EGY1714
5Abdel Moneim Shehata, AhmedEGY0
6Abdel Rasoul, MohamedEGY0
10Abo Elkheir, Hamdy10627502EGY0
7Abu Taha, Abdel RahmanEGY0
8AlNaqeeb, BijadEGY0
9AlSeriaqousi, Abdel AatiEGY0
4Fathi, TarikEGY0