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Last update 20.07.2024 04:04:19, Creator/Last Upload: Federaçao Bahiana de Xadrez

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1Dos Santos, Matheus Levi Almeida Abreu291606BRA1924SARTRE
2Santos, Filipe Bonfim602044BRA1918INTEGRAL
3Xavier, João Victor Marques609087BRA1878CMS
4Cardoso, Leonardo Eine Teixeira Mota604616BRA1873BRIGADEIRO EDUARDO GOMES
5De Andrade, Emanuel Vianna Dias601913BRA1842MARISTA PATAMARES
6Sant\"anna, Luan De Miranda Henriques608868BRA1806HOMESCHOOLING
7Santana, Adam Araujo610986BRA1800ESCOLA CLÁSSICA CRISTÃ
8Silva, Arthur Dorea Rodrigues611034BRA1800SÃO JOSÉ
9Nascimento, Fernando Figueiredo611016BRA1800BOM PASTOR
10Braga, Gabriel611113BRA1800LAND SCHOOL
11Rossetto, João Marcelo Mendes611037BRA1800SARTRE SEB MONET
12De Anchieta, Rafael Vilaronga611125BRA1800ADVENTISTA
13Dos Santos, Daniel Fernandes607054BRA1786ADVENTISTA
14Almeida De Sá De Oliveira, Mateus609045BRA1781MONTESSORIANO
15Peixoto, Marcos Paulo Martins609079BRA1725GURILÂNDIA
16Maciel, Thales Siqueira602662BRA1719MAPLE BEAR
17Radzvilavicius, Pedro Paulo293066BRA1645LEFFLER