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XXXVI Open Rapid Chess P4BR Braxateca

Last update 21.07.2024 23:45:01, Creator/Last Upload: Jussier Cabral Mesquita

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Starting rank

1Flavio Rodrigo Da Costa Bezerra240074BRA23732373MacaĆ­ba-Rn
2Roberto Luis Costa De Andrade240143BRA23442344Natal-Rn
3Alan Silva De Lima240103BRA22762276Natal-Rn
4Francisco Quaranta Neto240023BRA21612161Natal-Rn
5Luiz Antonio Xavier240151BRA20822082Natal-Rn
6Renee Blandy Brambilla603808BRA19511951Parnamirim-Rn
7Dayvid Geverson Lopes Marques240162BRA19001900Natal-Rn
8Natan Costa De Melo606784BRA18781878Natal-Rn
9Benjamin Guedes Morais605692BRA18571857Natal-Rn
10Isaac Pereira Dantas240113BRA18561856Natal-Rn
11Edemerson Solano Batista De Morais610942BRA18001800Natal-Rn
12Alemberg Beserra De Morais240104BRA17851785Natal-Rn
13Marcos Paiva Da Rocha Neto242046BRA17631763Natal-Rn
14Gustavo Heitor Da Silva Camelo601987BRA15711571Natal-Rn