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2024 Forcing Moves First - RAPID Chess Championship 3 - OPEN - AUGUST 10

Darrera actualització10.08.2024 21:57:36, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Canada Chess Federation (Licence 21)

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Rànquing inicial

1NMZUNIGA, Dante2615231CAN2506
2CMJAFERIAN, Koosha12507440CAN2327
3NMBUSCAR, Michael2603616CAN2188
4FMSERES, Bela701386HUN2119
5LEUNG, Wah Sing (Joseph)2636654CAN2010
6ARANDIA, Henry2600943CAN1795
7BRAJKOVIC, Nikola2616564CAN1791
8MURALI, Dhruv329218174CAN1577
9OKPALANZE, Obiajulu8507317CAN1523
10KATZ, Lyam2663180CAN1489
11BALA, Vijay Chandran25654969CAN1461
12GROSMAN, Noah2644185CAN1375
13BUSCAR, Bernard2639777CAN1368
14YANG, Andrew2640953CAN1294