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II Torneo Clasico Guillermo Haro

Last update 21.07.2024 00:39:39, Creator/Last Upload: FernandoSalazarJ

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Starting rank

1Fuentes Reyna, Margarita5116430MEX1819
2Morales Madariaga, Maximiliano5121973MEX1801
3Telles Fukushima, Karla Akemi5139244MEX1791Ciudad De Mexico
4De Santos Gonzalez, Diego A5140960MEX1746Ciudad De Mexico
5AFMLagunes Mendez, Cristian Jeron29608562MEX1731Estado De Mexico
6Carranza Cifuentes, Ricardo29623049MEX1647
7ACMFonseca Flores, German5196540MEX1640Ciudad De Mexico
8Cedillo Islas, Aldrich29632307MEX0
9Martinez Espinosa, Raul5138523MEX0
10Montes De Oca Rojas, Ricardo29658152MEX0