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Bhaktapur City Basic School Level Sports Meet -2081 Chess Boys (6-8)

Last update 19.07.2024 12:09:18, Creator/Last Upload: Nshrestha111

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1Lama, SupinNEP0Dattatraya School
2Magar, BandejNEP0Bal Sewak School
3Prajapati, ChaitanyaNEP0Tara Sec. School
4Shakya, AswinNEP0Ganesh Sec. School
5Sherpa, NigmaNEP0Santati School
6Shrestha, AshimNEP0Nabin Basic School
7Tamang, AkashNEP0Bhim Adarsha School
8Tamang, SubashNEP0Gyan Vijay School
9Tamrakar, BishalNEP0Samaj Sudhar Sec. School