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Last update 20.07.2024 12:08:49, Creator/Last Upload: Albanian Chess Federation

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Starting rank

1Vocaj, Agim4703553ALB1887
2Marku, Pashko4703634ALB1830
3Prenga, Elson4703588ALB1821
4Bushi, Geraldo4706633ALB1794
5Hoxha, Eduard4701836ALB1753
6Lesaj, Frrok4706056ALB1597
7Cuku, Alred4708750ALB0
8Gjongecaj, Gilbert4709900ALB0
9Lalaj, Kostandinos4705270ALB0
10Lleshi, Anton839450ITA0
11Marku, Xhordi4706706ALB0
12Ndreca, Dalian4706749ALB0