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"Liaocheng Dongchangfu Cup" Rising Star International Chess Tournament (final)

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony21.07.2024 11:31:16, Creator/Last Upload: Chinesechessassociation

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

8GMBudisavljevic, Luka960047SRB2461
4GMGharibyan, Mamikon13308300ARM2427
2Huang, Renjie8610134CHN2397
1GMOhanyan, Emin13312022ARM2346
6IMSiddharth, Jagadeesh5818320SGP2314
7Chen, Yuan8618860CHN2109
3Jiang, Haochen8631930CHN2034
5IMJin, Yueheng8616868CHN1902