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Campeonato Nacional de Blitz Infantil U-14

Darrera actualització21.07.2024 02:07:51, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Ajedrezhonduras

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Rànquing inicial

1Juarez Meza, Brayan8409633HON1665
2Marquina, Karen8406871HON1600
3Murillo Fortin, Iker8410569HON1575
4Murillo Fortin, Ethan8410518HON1551
5Martinez, Daniel Gianfrank8407410HON1509
6Martinez Garcia, Camila8408890HON1468
7Cruz David, Ian Andre8407380HON1461
8Reyes Diaz, Camila Maria8411700HON1437
9Alfaro, GabrielHON0
10Andino Franco, Mario AndresHON0
11Bernard Ochoa, Deerick LeeHON0
12Briceño Velasquez, Carlos HumbertoHON0
13Casco Martinez, SiriusHON0
14Flores Amaya, Ivan AndresHON0
15Flores, Rodrigo FernandoHON0
16Henriquez, Jose AdanHON0
17Hernandez Reyes, Juan Carlos8405476HON0
18Maradiaga, Keylin SofiaHON0
19Najera, Sergin IsaacHON0
20Reyes, OmarHON0