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Torneo Cerrado de Blitz Tegus Chess Club - Catergoria Principiante

Senast uppdaterad20.07.2024 20:10:14, Creator/Last Upload: Marlon David

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1Acevedo, LizHON0
2Andino Corea, Melissa AlejandraHON0
3Arita, SantiagoHON0
4Bonilla, Eduardo DanielHON0
5Cuellar, AlessandraHON0
6Cuellar, DanielHON0
7Godoy, Natalia ZaretHON0
8Godoy, Sebastian AlessandroHON0
9Gomez Nelson, Jose MiguelHON0
10Martinez, Miguel AngelHON0
11Matamoros Cruz, Luis CarlosHON0
12Rodriguez Juarez, Josue DanielHON0
13Zambrano, WendellHON0