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3er Torneo Andares Reyes del Tablero Infantil Menor

Last update 20.07.2024 02:15:14, Creator/Last Upload: vmedina

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Starting rank

1Carrillo Lopez, Thiago Andre1525
2Patino Curiel, Elvis1450
3Garcia Castro, David Alejandro1430
4Avelar Echeverria, Leonel1393
5Saavedra Tapia, Emily Natalia1276
6Beltran Cosio, Dagmara1251
7Gonzalez Garcia, Johanna Elizabeth1200
8Garcia Garcia, Ikal Saul0
9Gonzalez Velazquez, Fernando0
10Maciel Rivera, Diego Andre0
11Quintero Moran, Isaac0
12Rios Ramirez, Gael Alejandro0