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SCC - FIDE World Record Open Rapid 2024

Posledná aktualizácia 20.07.2024 21:05:50, Creator/Last Upload: Trinidad and Tobago CA (licence 1)

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Štartová listina

1James, Ethan7706782TTO1480
2James, Nathanael7708424TTO1434
3Duffrin, Adelia7709706TTO1431w
4Attzs, KadenTTO0
5Attzs, KoffiTTO0
6Dookran, Rhys7712642TTO0
7Hosein, MarcusTTO0
8Ramrattan, CandiceTTO0w
9Thurab, NatashaTTO0w
10Benjamin, Akeem7710640TTO0
11Crevelle, Jude7713703TTO0