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Oasis club Rapid - 19 July 2024

Darrera actualització19.07.2024 15:30:04, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Hong Kong Chess 

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Rànquing inicial

1Lai, Robin6000436HKG1950
2Alto, Brandon Young6011284HKG1537
3Leung, Hoi Ting6003770HKG1530
4Alto, Philo Lee6012930HKG1471
5Chen, Ian Sai-Fung6015484HKG0
6Lai, JerryHKG0
7Lam, Ping HeiHKG0
8Mak, HoraceHKG0
9Man, Chun Hin6015077HKG0
10Tse, Hei Leong6015085HKG0