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World Record Chess Day Tournament Kanchanpur -NEP 1st SARC Open Rating Blitz Chess Tournament

Seinast dagført18.08.2024 17:18:21, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

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1Pathak, Tekendra Raj5010497NEP1886
2Joshi, Deergha Raj12300527NEP1876
3Khaniya, Rudra12303666NEP1848
4Rawal, Basant12300420NEP1831
5Kepchhaki, Jeet Bahadur12300365NEP1825
6Ojha, Prakash12328146NEP1818
7Bogati, Dhan Bahadur12303496NEP1817
8Bhatt, Umesh12353590NEP1798
9Manny, Khadak Bahadur12309753NEP1734
10Jora, Kirta Bahadur12300888NEP1731
11Pandey, Bheem Datt12300101NEP1699
12Poudel, Shiv Prasad12309931NEP1694
13Tamang, Suraj12331783NEP1694
14Tamang, Kabiram12309907NEP1684
15Karki, Jay Bahadur12303631NEP1679
16Pun, Khim Bahadur12330884NEP1610
17Bohora, Nar Bahadur12303526NEP1600
18Ayer, BhupeshNEP0
19Bamma, Pradip JungNEP0
20Basnet, AxisNEP0
21Basnet, DipakNEP0
22Bhatt, AdeshNEP0
23Bhatt, BhupeshNEP0
24Bhatt, DipeshNEP0
25Bhatt, DivyaprakashNEP0
26Bhatt, JeewanNEP0
27Bhatt, SakshamNEP0
28Bhatta, Murali Manohar12324965NEP0
29Bhatta, RachitNEP0
30Chand, Dhiraj BahadurNEP0
31Chand, YumissNEP0
32Dhami, DiwakarNEP0
33Joshi, AmitNEP0
34Joshi, GaurabNEP0
35Joshi, GauravNEP0
36Joshi, HimeshNEP0
37Joshi, RajatNEP0
38Joshi, SagarNEP0
39Joshi, ShubhamNEP0
40Karki, AdityaNEP0
41Khadka KC, Kumari JanakiNEP0
42Kunwar, SristiNEP0
43Luhar, NaveenNEP0
44Luhar, PalakNEP0
45Mahara, Ayush kumarNEP0
46Malla, ParasNEP0
47Mishra, HirdeshNEP0
48Nayak, AdityaNEP0
49Pandeya, Arjun12337340NEP0
50Pant, AakritiNEP0
51Pant, RidamNEP0
52Pant, Rishi RajNEP0
53Pant, SarthakNEP0
54Pun Magar, DineshNEP0
55Rana, SatvikNEP0
56Shahi, HimanshuNEP0
57Shrestha, Mathura12345253NEP0
58Singh, DikshyaNEP0
59Ter, SanjayNEP0